Tuesday, November 1, 2011

10 months since my son died.

It's been over 10 months since my son, our first child was born and died.
I remember thinking (and still think) about all of the cliche sayings that you have probably heard on tv; "My heart is broken" or "why does the world keep spinning".

These are all true thoughts and feelings.  My heart IS broken, I felt it shatter in pieces on the ground the day he died in my arms - and it felt real.  He is and always will be my heart and soul.

I was upset that the entire world did not stand still and take notice that my perfect little man was no more.  I still am.

I am still quite lost without him.  I am angry that people expect me to continue on like "normal".  And I'm not sure I am capable of loving anyone else after having him in my life, as short a time that was.